Totally Disillusioned...

It is my view that people in this country do not take the time to learn about politicians. They allow the corporate media decide who is viable and who is not.

Ron Paul supporters are better educated politically that average voters. Most of us know that the other political candidates are lying scoundrels with records to prove it. The problem is, the media does not report this, nor will regular people look into it themselves.

I should know, up until last year I voted along with the rest of 'em. Never again. If Ron Paul can go to Congress and stick to his beliefs in the Constitution and Ethics, then I too can vote according to my beliefs.

And if the primary ends in a McCain nomination then I promise there will be no vote from me in the general election. Clinton, Obama, or McCain...three liberal, big government socialists. No Thanks. Even a Bloomberg Independent run would not be enough to bring me in, because it would be obvious to me that his entering the Presidential race is only to secure a Democratic win.

One day people will wake up and realize they have lost everything. On that day, I will take solace in the fact that I did not contribute to that by voting in the same corrupt people to run this nation. One day, it will all end and the last semblance of the American Republic will vanish into something different and less than appealing.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I don't blame you for wanting to sit out. Maybe you can leave the president selection blank and vote in more conservative and constitutional reps. I think you are in CA right? It would take a miracle to see electoral votes go to the GOP anyway. Concentrate instead on getting in more reps and senators if any are up for re-election in that match your values. For your area if it is like New Mexico, there has to be a major washing out
    zapparulez said...
    I agree mdierk, I will be moving out of the city (Sacramento) next year hopefully. I'll still be in California, but at least it will be in very rural northern California.

    I plan on buying a home out in the sticks, increasing the number of guns I own and living happily as far outside of the mainstream as possible.

    As long as the majority of Americans don't give a shit about who they are voting in, then I intend on isolating myself as much as possible from the bastards running the place. :)
    Anonymous said...
    Its funny how you mentioned moving out to the sticks...I think that is the prevalent attitude of what little rationality is left in America, since the conditions for its survival are getting scarcer and scarcer in urban areas. I know that is what led to me staying in Alaska after I came up here pursuing work. I stayed in southeast Alaska for a summer in between contracts, and was asolutely shocked by how FREE you could be if you wanted to be. Obviously you are limited by certain Federal constraints, and Babbit't policies are still filtering out in this area, but overall, I simply hadn't seen this degree of freedom in Washington, Oregon or even in my native Idaho. But as always, rampant government expansion and socialist ideology has reduced the economy of the region to a handful of wheeler-dealers promoting tourism, and robbing blind anyone who even thinks about coming to Alaska. Blah, blah, blah, in short, you can't get rural enough to escape, not because evil can reach into every place, but because you will NEVER be able to escape from the feeling that you could do something about it.

    On the other hand, being a martyr is an overrated profession, which doesn't gain as much as it loses. You are right to withdraw your sanction from the current election. It isn't about convincing anyone by virtue of the vote you don't cast, it is about placing enough value on your vote that you refuse to compromise it, the same way you won't, if pressed, compromise the value of that which makes your vote possible: your mind.

    But beyond removing your sanction for a political system which has outgrown its foundations like an Indian Rajah who is too fat to fit in his throne, you mustn't remove your mind from the ring. If The Paul campaign concludes as it almost must, in failure, it won't change the NEED for that kind of element, and it certainly won't spell impending disaster for society. That is because what is at odds with American life is so much more than just the policies of a four to eight year term of a politician, or of all terms of all politicians. If the Paul campaign fails, its supporters must begin the even more important task of discovering WHY. Behind the mainstream media is a motivating force. Behind the shrill voices of insincere politicians is a motivating force. Behind every pull-peddling bill, behind every still-born non-objective law, behind every steel club leveled at the rights of innocents, there is a motivating force. This force is counting on us to remove our minds from the fight, because it is only rational thought which can find it and disturb its grip on men's lives.

    Discover this motivating force, and you will find the election that truly must be won. I'll leave you with a quote from Neitzsche:

    But by my love and hope I conjure thee: Cast not away the hero in thy soul! Maintain holy thy highest hope!

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