NOTE: I read a few upsetting articles today. The following is mostly just an angry rant.
The problem with trying to convince people that the situation in America is precarious at best is that people are still largely left alone by their benign leaders. When you tell them that they are electing de facto fascists, they laugh at you and go on to think your a nut job. I've found that I cannot compare our current government to the Nazis, no matter how much evidence I produce. No one wants to believe it, therefore, no one will. And the truth is, I am wrong to even make the comparison.
The Nazi form of government was all about government control. It was a merger of the corporation and the government, except that the government was the power behind the merger. Hitler and his minions forcibly took control of all the corporations in Germany and turned them into state owned organizations. In that way, he was able to exert total control over all aspects of life for the German people. This is decidedly not what is going on in America.
What is going on in our beloved country is a slow yet steady takeover of the American Government by the corporations themselves. It is the corporation that has grown more powerful than the government. This is not new in American history either.
In the years after the Civil War, corporate power was extended far beyond anything that the Founders had ever intended. They owned almost all the politicians and many of the Presidents during the period between 1877-1907. This was the era of the Robber Baron. Students of history would know that America's first mega wealthy aristocratic families came to be. They nearly succeeded in totally transforming America into a corporation. The corporation was even granted personhood by the Supreme Court during this period. The law still remains on the books in spite of its obvious discrepancies.
Aside from the people revolting en masse through unions and demonstrations, the reforms of one President brought the Corporatocracy to a grinding halt. That man was Theodore Roosevelt. Though he was ultimately destroyed by the corporate elite, he was wildly popular when he was first elected President. Our children's text books will refer to him only in passing reference as the President who created our National Park System. They will not tell of how he brought the Corporatocracy to its knees by being the first President in decades to be solidly for The People and unable to be bought by the moneyed class.
In the end, he was destroyed and publicly humiliated. By 1913, he was completely discredited and the moneyed class was back in control. Though the rioting and unionization of the working class continued, which forced these groups to change tactics. This is ultimately why the Federal Reserve Bank, Internal Revenue Service, and the Income Tax was created. The real power behind the Corporatocracy is the international banks and their obsession with wealth and power.
Fast forward to today's world. The moneyed interests are faltering. They are the ones losing wealth. This cannot be allowed. At all costs, this must not happen. The Federal Reserve, via the IRS, via the Income Tax as pulled all the stops to rescue the wealthiest Americans from losing any wealth. From this website:, I found someone who finally tallied up all of the taxpayer money spent on rescuing these criminals. Keep in mind that these numbers do not reflect the bailout for Fannie and Freddie that was just passed by the Senate. That bailout has the potential to cost taxpayers over $800 Billion.
The Federal Reserve = $446 Billion
Federal Home Loan Banks = $274 Billion
Fannie & Freddie = $621 Billion
Federal Housing Admin = $90 Billion
Total losses so far are astronomical. $1.43 Trillion, which is 1,430 Billion, which is 14,300 Million, which is 1,430,000,000,000 dollars. These are conservative numbers. Going through the list of "conservative" estimations of what will be on the books as early as Q3 of next year and the number jumps from $1.43 Trillion to $3.48 Trillion. Now that number includes the current "bailout" plan. Which, by the way, gives Treasury Secretary a blank check until the end of 2009 to fix any problems he deems needs fixing. A BLANK CHECK to the former CEO of Goldman Sachs!
Which brings me back to my point. This is not fascism in the form of Nazism. This is a new kind of fascism. A fascism that has the Corporatocracy in full control of "elected" representatives. On top of that, over half of the nation votes on computer controlled voting machines sold by one of those corporations. Soon, we as voters will need to send lobbyists to Congress to have our voice heard. Have any of you ever tried to get a hold of your Congressperson? It's not easy to get a response. It's damn near impossible to get a response from your Senator. These people do not give a rats ass about their constituents with few exceptions.
I prefer the term Corporatocracy over Fascism, even though Fascism is a more accurate term for what is happening in our government, it brings up comparisons to Nazism that isn't warranted in today's real world. The true enemies of our liberty isn't some paranoid, racist madman. Rather, it is the profit whoring greed of the Corporatocracy that is eroding the very foundations of our great nation.
Labels: Corporatism, Election, Fascism, Federal Reserve, Globalism, Politics, SCREWED
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