Now that I have come to realize the true nature of our elections, I feel like I know how this one will play out. Six months ago, my mind would never have wandered this way. If I am right, I will definately feel vindicated...if I am wrong then I will most certainly reevaluate my sentiments towards our election process.

First off, the Democratic race is easy to predict. The Presidential nomination will be Hillary Clinton, with Barrack Obama as Vice President. The "dream" ticket for the far left. Why you ask? Hillary Clinton is the choice of Corporate America, Obama is actually the choice of Democrats. Therefore, the two will merge with Hillary getting the nod as President.

The Republican race confused me at first, simply because McCain and Romney are not true Conservatives which means there had to be another reason for their success. I personally think that Romney will pull off an upset win in the Republican primary. However, it does appear to me that the Republican Party is moving away from Conservatism and towards a more socialist agenda. The same big government as the Democrats, but with a warlike flair too it. This means the Republican "base" who support Huckabee and Ron Paul are just discarded. But it will not matter because the "base" will vote anyhow for one reason. Hillary Clinton.

Hillary is so disliked among the Republican "base", the "base" will come out and vote for liberal Romney anyways. So how can the Corporate power structure keep this from happening? They have already loaded Hillary up with a $115 million warchest, but money alone is not enough. They have already used the media to destroy the campaigns of Mr. Conservative, Ron Paul and also that of the wanna-be Conservative, Mike Huckabee. But how can they stop the "base" from defeating Clinton?

The answer is right in front of us, in fact, it's already been hinted at by the media. Mr. Bloomberg from NY. He is a billionaire and could easily jump into the race. Many voters from the Republican "base" would jump on board with Bloomberg, not because he is a Conservative, but rather because he represents something other than a Romney or a Clinton as President.

Few Democrats will jump on board with Bloomberg, so the net effect is a handing of the Presidency to Hillary Clinton. Along with a continuation of our big government deficit spending, "free trade" agreements that ship American jobs overseas, open borders so that more illegal immigrants can come in and steal away even more jobs, and continued "War on Terror". Make no mistake, the Democrats have been itching to implement their own Foreign Policy of preemptive war.

The finaly percentages will be something like 1992:
Clinton: 44%
Romney: 34%
Bloomberg: 21%
Micky Mouse: 1%

In the end, Americans get screwed. The bankruptcy of America will continue until the dollar is all but worthless, at which time it will become a convienent reality that the only way America can survive is by relinquishing its sovereignty to the North American Union(NAU). Ron Paul was our only chance at restoring the Constitution, instead we will get big government interference, domestic spying, and higher taxes. Welcome to the land of the Police State.

History has never been kind to Republics.


  1. Anonymous said...
    What are your thoughts on Al (shudder) Gore entering as a late Democratic candidate? Can he even do that?

    He could be the King of America, with Orb of his nobel and the scepter of his, well, scepter...

    The thought of him ruling anything scares me to DEATH!
    zapparulez said...
    I can almost guarantee Al Gore will not enter the race. He is too obsessed with making millions off of his Global Warming scam.

    Or perhaps he is just waiting for Global Warming to kill us all so he could just become King of the Earth.
    Anonymous said...
    Nice layout, zappa. I'm not too excited about any of the candidates right now. I have to endure Obama and Hillary (her thighness) in New Mexico for the next couple of days. Don't worry, my boots, shovel and cup are ready for them. LOL
    zapparulez said...
    There isn't much to be excited about in politics these days. The People are no longer properly represented by these scumbag politicians. ;)

    Thanks for the comment!
    Arctic Bronco said...
    Thanks for setting this site up. It is always healthy to have info and strongly voiced opinions made visible for as many members of the public as possible.

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