Well, the Federal Reserve is doing something its never done before. It’s using taxpayer money to bailout a fiscally irresponsible bank, Bear Sterns. The Fed has declared at the top of its corrupt voice that The People can go to hell, because the wealth of the wealthy must be preserved at all costs.

$236 billion to save a bank who aggressively “enriched” itself with subprime garbage and a bank whose stock has dropped 98% in price from it’s recent high. As it should, any company that makes such poor decisions should suffer the consequences. Instead, Bear Sterns will get a pat on the back and bailed out of it’s troubles. All so their top executives can continue to earn exorbitant sums of money.

The class war has been declared. Not by the masses, by the wealthy themselves. These corrupt individuals are robbing the taxpayers of billions…now trillions of dollars. Add the inflation losses of the bottom 90% and we are looking at several trillions of dollars. All to save the extravagant wealth of those responsible for this credit crisis.

The market needs to be left alone to decide who should pay the consequences for our economic debacle. Instead, the Fed openly declared war on us by forcing taxpayers to foot the bill for Trillions of dollars(or $1,000,000,000,000+) worth of bad decisions made by greedy bankers. It is time to abolish this dastardly institution and replace it with nothing – return to the gold standard and leave banks to fail if they make poor decisions.

Over the past 20 years we have seen the rise of a new political ideology that not only spans both political parties, but also controls them. This new ideology took its form in the 1980's when greed and profit became the driving force behind U.S. economic growth.

President Ronald Reagan helped push this greed along by slashing income taxes on the wealthiest Americans from 70% to 28%. The astonishing thing is that we, middle America, pay a higher proportion of our annual income in taxes than do the ultra wealthy. How is that fair?

President Ronald Reagan and the Democratic Congress also did little to stem the orgy of mergers that occurred during this decade. The Corporate elites ruthlessly consolidated power knowing full well that our elected leaders would choose not to enforce the Sherman Anti-Trust laws which were created to stop monopolies from happening in America. The result? The rich got richer, while the poor and middle class saw their wages stagnate and eventually decrease.

From these new Corporate elites sprung a whole new ideology. It's an ideology based on Corporatism and the quest for ever increasing profit margins at the expense of not only the American people, but even American sovereignty. When Bill Clinton took office in 1992 and ushered in so-called "free trade" agreements like NAFTA, the transnational Corporations set about dismantling America's manufacturing base and selling it off to the lowest bidder. All of those middle class jobs gone forever and replaced by lower paying service jobs. That way, politicians can still claim a low jobless rate in America while at the same time increasing the profit margins for the large monopolistic corporations by double digits.

Where did these jobs go? To third world nations paying about thirty cents an hour to the desperate souls willing to work themselves to death to attempt to make a better life for themselves and their families. What happens if these people start making too much income? The corporation shifts to the next wretched nation to exploit those desperate citizens. The cycle will continue until even the citizens of developed nations are forced to lower their wages to compete with those of the third world.

A Northwestern University research paper from 2005 shows that the Income levels for the 99th percentile of American rose 87% from 1980-2005, while the 99.9th percentile rose 181% and the 99.99th percentile rose 497% during the same period. However, the bottom 90% saw their inflation adjusted incomes drop significantly. "Free Trade" agreements like NAFTA, CAFTA, NAU have all helped destroy the middle class in America.

Many liberals like to blame our dire situation on the religious right, while conservatives blame socialists on the left. The truth of the matter is that there is a new kind of ideology based on Corporatism. It already has a name and it likes to pretend it is part of the Republican Party. It is called Neo-Conservatism.

Neo-con for short, this ideology is not conservative. It is Fascist. Fascism is a merging of government with corporations, effectively what we now have in this nation. Neo-Conservatives have hijacked the Republican Party, but it also has deep roots in the Democratic Party. Bill Clinton is the one who really kicked the Neo-con agenda into high gear.

These Fascists believe that the market is deciding how corporations do business, but in reality the market only wants ever increasing profit. The market will only ever want growing profit margins. The market never considers quality of life, basic human values, ethics, environment, happiness, or anything else we all consider important to us on a daily basis.

If the market was left to decide all things, we would all be slaves – given just enough to keep us alive and well enough to work 14 hour a day shifts with no time off. Liberal or Conservative we must understand this and work together to combat it. I do believe a market can be free, but only under strict regulation and guidelines. Without those regulations and guidelines, the market erodes our standard of living and sovereignty.

The Fascists in government and media who demand that the markets be even more free from regulation also openly state that the rich should get richer, but they stop there. They don’t say the poor should get poorer. The don’t say that in order for the rich to get richer, the poor must get poorer. Earth has finite resources, which means we also have finite wealth. That wealth is going towards the already wealthy at an ever increasing pace.

We all need to wake up to this threat and stop voting for more of the same(McCain, Clinton, Obama=the same). If we fail to do so we’ll find ourselves in complete economic despair. We will be destitute in our own homeland. Perhaps that will be a good thing – in the long run.

We would be forced to see just how bad third world nations have it, we would be forced to open our eyes to the amazing greed and arrogance we as a nation has lived by for the past thirty plus years, and we would be forced to finally take action against those who are doing us all harm. Perhaps we would finally get the rude awakening this country so badly needs.

NOTE: I respect and admire Ronald Reagan and I do not consider him a neo-conservative, but he did a lot to help spur the neo-con agenda along in its early stages. The real neo-con movement kicked into high gear during George H. Bush’s term and it has been aggressively expanded under both Clinton and G.W. Bush. All three current presidential candidates are globalists and will continue our current path towards national insolvency. Those of us who recognize the problem only have the rude awakening to look forward too, since so many people refuse to see the truth and will continue to refuse to see it until its too late. I suggest those of you with your eyes wide open to prepare for the end game, so you’ll at least have a little head start on the rest.



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